Saturday, October 10, 2020

LIC Life Insurance policy paid-up value calculation - calculate paidup value of LIC policy

         LIC policy Paid-up value calculation

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the post
    To calculate the premiums of your policy, you can use term insurance calculator available online. But what actually is a term insurance calculator, and how does it work?

    A term insurance calculator refers to an online calculator that helps in computing the premium cost you need to pay for your policy. The term insurance calculator considers various factors like age, occupation, medical history, lifestyle habits, sum assured, premium payment frequency and policy term, etc., and then determine the premium. The calculators are readily available on almost all insurance websites. Hence, you can use specific calculators offered by various insurers to evaluate the premiums of the term insurance policies they offer.

    While using the term insurance calculator, you need to provide all these details including, the insurance coverage, tenure, occupation, habits, premium payment frequency (as mentioned above) and more to determine the premium rate. Once you decide upon the premium rate and the term plan, you can buy the policy online. For more information visit:


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