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LIC POLICY SPECIAL REVIVAL CAMPAIGN - 7th January 2021 to 6th March 2021 - Revive your lapsed LIC policy

LIC brings special revival campaign to its policy holders to bring life to lapsed policies. This special revival campaign had already started from 7th January and would last till 6th march 2021.

LIC also authorised its satellite branches also to revive policies wherever there is no need for special medical tests are not required. LIC of India had relaxed many rules under this revival campaign. Concession on late fee is also offered. A very good change for LIC policyholders with lapsed policy, can revive now.

Please approach the nearest LIC branch for more info. 

LIC POLICY SPECIAL REVIVAL CAMPAIGN - 7th January 2021 to 6th March 2021 - Revive your lapsed LIC policy


For more Info : https://www.businesstoday.in/money/insurance/lic-rolls-out-special-revival-campaign-to-revive-lapsed-policies/story/427336.html